Meet SAM BRETT: Yoga Teacher at This Is Yoga
What was your inspiration for becoming a yoga teacher?
I fell in love with how Yoga made me feel and how influential the practice became on my life. Both physically in my body, but also energetically, giving me the resources to better navigate life’s challenges off the mat. I became a yoga teacher so I could share that with others.
Your favourite yoga pose if you have one?
I don’t really have a favourite, for me the beauty of the practice is the diversity of movement patterns and how they collectively make me feel.
What do you enjoy most about teaching?
Connection, both to the students, but also watching students connect to themselves, to each other.
About SAM:
Sam, originally from Canada, has made Bondi her home since 2014. Over the past 15 years, her yoga practice has transformed every aspect of her life, teaching her the art of living with meaning. As both a student and teacher of Yoga, Sam is passionate about anatomy and movement, continually studying with Yoga Medicine and Noelle Connolly. Her classes are inspired by traditional practices with a touch of Modern Movement, while her personal training background adds a unique edge. In her spare time, Sam enjoys exploring National Parks, swimming in the ocean or curling up with a good book.